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I N N E R S C O P E   P I C T U R E S

Innerscope Pictures formed in 2021 and is a newly emerging London-based production company focused on genre-bending, character-led stories.


Whether it’s original or pre-existing IP, Innerscope Pictures aims to bring unique storytelling to a global audience from both new and experienced talent with individual voices and stylistic visions.​


Their debut feature “Haar”, by Ben Hecking was a micro-budget independently financed feature shot in Super8, that saw its premiere at the BFI London Film Festival in 2023, and was mentioned by Festival Director, Kristy Matheson’s as one of her four favourite films at the festival.​


Innerscope are looking forward to continuing to expand their slate and rooting themselves in the UK and European film industry.

T H E   T E A M

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Jez Marshall

Producer, 1st Assistant Director

Jez began his film career in 2011 as a crowd P.A for the Brad Pitt feature film 'World War Z' and has since worked his way up to 1st Assistant Director on productions for Diseny+, BBC, ITV, Netflix, Searchlight, BFI and SKY. Jez is also a member of the advisory council for the Assistant Directors Guild UK (ADG) and is a  co-chairman for the education and training committee.
In 2021 Jez founded Innerscope Pictures with his partner Carolina Cordero and went into production in January 2022 on their first feature film starring Kate Kennedy (Halo, Paramount) titled 'HAAR'.
Most recently Jez completed shooting 'A Kind Of Spark' Season 2 for BBC / 9Story, an adaptation of the the best selling novel of the same name by Elle McNicoll and the Disney+ drama 'To Cook A Bear' based on the book by Mikael Niemi, starring Gustaf Skarsgård (Vikings / Oppenheimer).

© 2024 Innerscope Pictures Ltd. All rights reserved.

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